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Auckland Coping with Flooding After Heavy Rain and Declared State of Emergency

Auckland Coping with Flooding After Heavy Rain and Declared State of Emergency

Auckland is in a state of local emergency after heavy rain caused widespread flooding. Emergency services coped well with the situation and received

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Auckland is in a state of local emergency after heavy rain caused widespread flooding. Emergency services coped well with the situation and received only 39 service requests overnight. Aucklanders are advised to stay away from waterways and flood waters. Public transport services across Auckland are back to normal with some cancellations due to the ongoing bus driver shortage. Rapid Building Assessment teams are starting to carry out assessments of flood-damaged buildings, and Auckland Council facilities are reopening to normal hours. Auckland’s tap water remains safe to drink, but the wastewater network is overwhelmed with rainwater, causing overflows across the region.
more info – Auckland Emergency Management

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